
For questions about shipping, please look over the Policies and Shipping info section.

What is the content of the zine? Is there any potentially upsetting content?

The zine covers the events of the Lifesteal SMP from Season 1 up until Season 5. Some art pieces contain depictions of blood, injury, and violence. Some writing pieces will also contain written depictions of similar topics. The zine is about the Lifesteal SMP in terms of its characters, not the in-real-life personas of the Lifesteal SMP members.


Does the zine contain depictions of romantic shipping?

No, the zine does not contain depictions of romantic relationships. Anything in the zine that could be read as romantic depicts canon events of the SMP.


What charities does the zine support?

The zine is in support of the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) and the Sudanese American Physicians Association (SAPA). Profit will be evenly split between the two charities. For more information, check out their websites!



Who drew the merch pieces?

Round Buttons - Froujuice
Star Buttons and Memo Pad - ssseriema
Wanted Poster Print-  Closet_Thing
Circus Print and Glitch Duo Charm - Chroislost
Freakinator Postcard - Cogmented
Duality and Havoc Keychains - Kelcair
Funhouse duo keychain and Waffles Sticker - Cerisebruv
Wormhole Sticker Sheet, Stretch Goal 1, Cover art - Jesteriisms
Stretch Goal 2 &4 - Arceoptryx
Stretch Goal 3 - Navy_leader